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SuperOrbital interviewed on the Changelog at KubeCon

Tammer and James joined Solomon Hykes, Steve Francis, and Spencer Smith in talking with Adam, Jerod and Gerhard at the Changelog.

Tammer Saleh
Likes long walks on the beach, Chinese food, mushing up his bananas.

Published on November 30, 2023

James and I get a chance to talk again with Jerod and Gerhard at the Changelog. We had a ton of fun talking about KubeCon, remote developer experiences, our workshop infrastructure, innovation points. My favorite part is Jerod trolling us with a NixOS question.

Listen below, or over on the Changelog!

If you enjoyed that, check out the past episodes with Tammer and Gerhard:

Tammer Saleh
Likes long walks on the beach, Chinese food, mushing up his bananas.