Programming Kubernetes

Make Kubernetes Work for You

Embrace Kubernetes as the operating system for the cloud. Teach your team how to get the most power out of Kubernetes through custom controllers, webhooks, schedulers, and more.

To get the most out of Kubernetes, your team needs the ability to extend the platform by grafting into the control plane. Tinkering under the hood can be "dangerous," but it's easy once you learn how. We're here to help.

"Would be their student again, 10/10!"

Past Graduate

Write against the Kubernetes API in NodeJS and Python. Practice extending the platform via CRDs, custom controllers, webhooks, and even custom schedulers.


Advanced Kubectl

  • Kubectl explain
  • JSONPath
  • Parsing JSON with Jq & Gron
  • Raw API Requests


  • Developing Against the API
  • Tracing Kubectl Network Calls
  • Three ways to Patch the Kubernetes API


  • Understanding the Lease API Resource
  • Leveraging Leases

Admission Controllers

  • Understanding the object creation pipeline
  • Exploring Validating Webhooks
  • Building Mutating Webhooks in Python

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDS)

  • Authoring CRDs
  • Adding Validations
  • Schemas, Validations and Defaults
  • Improving Resource Presentation

Custom Schedulers

  • Understand how schedulers are chosen
  • Practice the scheduling process by hand
  • Build a custom scheduler
  • Deploy it to your cluster

Production Controllers

  • Hands-on with Kubebuilder
  • Designing Kubernetes controllers
  • Testing!
  • Controller observability

The 411

This workshop is delivered over four days. Each day is scheduled from 12pm to 5pm ET (9am to 2pm PT) with an hour break in the middle — 16 hours in total. We try to reserve an hour at the end of each session for open Q&A. Attendance for this course is limited to up to 28 students.


James McShane
Director of Engineering
Teaching my kids Kubernetes with Phippy and Zee

Rob Salmond
Engineer & Lead Trainer
Serving an extended sentence in the YAML mines. Claims innocence.

Intended Audience

We recommend this course for your advanced platform operations teams and for those looking to extend the platform with custom operators.

To get the most out of this subject, students should come prepared with an understanding of Bash scripting, rudimentary application development with Python and/or NodeJS, and the Kubernetes fundamentals. A good place to start is with our Core Kubernetes workshop.

This is just one of the many great courses in our cloud-native curriculum!

Reach out to schedule the best workshop your team's ever attended.

The SuperOrbital Difference

We're experts with a reputation for delivering great work. Here’s how we're different:

Intensely Hands-On

More Walkin', Less Talkin'.

Our students spend more than 50% of their time in hands-on labs. We don’t believe in static, podium-based training with some boring instructor talking at you.

Instead, we immerse you in an active learning environment where you can internalize the lessons through collaboration and hands-on labs. This is the path to knowledge that sticks, and a foundation for true expertise.

Collaborative & Fun

This ain't no webinar.

People learn best when they're engaged and having fun. We strongly encourage interruptions, stupid questions, and side-quests.

This is also why we cap off each day with an open Q&A session. This is where we really get to dig into each team's unique challenges, often through live-coding sessions.


No stone unturned.

Our content goes deep, giving you a foundational understanding of how things work under the hood. We tease apart every topic, breaking it down into its atomic parts. Then we rearrange them into an order our students can easily digest and remember.


No Vendor Pitches.

We believe in cloud native solutions, but we aren't beholden to any vendor. Every situation is unique, and every tool has flaws. We help you understand how the technologies work together to solve your problems. We guide you away from the tools that are hype, and toward those that have proven their worth.

Battle Hardened

We bring real experience.

We don't just teach: we do. We've wrestled with Kubernetes, Terraform, Istio, Docker and all of the others in real production situations. We've used them in anger. We know where the tools fall down and what the documentation hides.

Remote first

We're passionately remote-first, and our training shows it.

The days of hours wasted commuting to work are coming to an end, and good riddance. SuperOrbital has always been a passionately remote-first company, and we bring that to our training. Why travel out of town to sit in a hot, crowded, uncomfortable room for days at a time? Our workshops are taken from the comfort of your own home, and at a schedule that encourages deep learning.

Need more convincing? Let's talk!

How it works

Engaging with us to provide a workshop for your team is easy. Reach out to get started.


We'll schedule a time to meet, discuss your needs, your team's experience level, and how we can help.


Each workshop day consists of four hours of lecture, labs, and open Q&A. This helps keep the training active and inspiring, and gives plenty of time for the knowledge to gel.

Follow Up

We follow up afterward to ensure the workshop exceeded your expectations, and to help with whatever new hurdles your team may be facing.

Schedule the best training your team will ever attend, today!